
Training with Iverson classes

Training is not a commodity – all training centres are not the same. Iverson Associates Sdn Bhd is the most established, the most reputable, and the top professional IT training provider in Malaysia. With a large pool of experienced and certified trainers, state-of-the-art facilities, and well-designed courseware, Iverson offers superior training, a more impactful learning experience and highly effective results.

At Iverson, our focus is on providing high-quality IT training to corporate customers, meeting their learning needs and helping them to achieve their training objectives. Iverson has the flexibility to provide training solutions whether for a single individual or the largest corporation in a well-paced or accelerated training programme.

Our courses continue to evolve along with the fast-changing technological advances. Our instructor-led training services are available on a public and a private (in-company) basis. Some of our courses are also available as online, on demand, and hybrid training.

ASPT : Apache Spark Application Performance Tuning

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This three-day hands-on training course delivers the key concepts and expertise developers need to improve the performance of their Apache Spark applications. During the course, participants will learn how to identify common sources of poor performance in Spark applications, techniques for avoiding or solving them, and best practices for Spark application monitoring.Apache Spark Application Performance Tuning presents the architecture and concepts behind Apache Spark and underlying data platform, then builds on this foundational understanding by teaching students how to tune Spark application code. The course format emphasizes instructor-led demonstrations illustrate both performance issues and the techniques that address them, followed by hands-on exercises that give students an opportunity to practice what they've learned through an interactive notebook environment. The course applies to Spark 2.4, but also introduces the Spark 3.0 Adaptive Query Execution framework.

Audience Profile

This course is designed for software developers, engineers, and data scientists who have experience developing Spark applications and want to learn how to improve the performance of their code. This is not an introduction to Spark.


Spark examples and hands-on exercises are presented in Python and the ability to program in this language is required. Basic familiarity with the Linux command line is assumed. Basic knowledge of SQL is helpful.

At Course Completion

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

  • Understand  Apache  Spark's  architecture,  job  execution,  and  how  techniques  such  as  lazy  execution  and pipelining can improve runtime performance
  • Evaluate the performance characteristics of core data structures such as RDD and DataFrames
  • Select the file formats that will provide the best performance for your application
  • Identify and resolve performance problems caused by data skew
  • Use partitioning, bucketing, and join optimizations to improve SparkSQL performance
  • Understand the performance overhead of Python-based RDDs, DataFrames, and user-defined functions
  • Take advantage of caching for better application performance
  • Understand how the Catalyst and Tungsten optimizers work
  • Understand   how   Workload   XM   can   help   troubleshoot   and   proactively   monitor   Spark   applications performance
  • Learn about the new features in Spark 3.0 and specifically how the Adaptive Query Execution engine improves performance

Course Outline

RM10,200.00(+RM816.00 Tax)
* Training Dates:

* Price excludes Exam

Course Information
3 Days

22-24 Jan 2024

24-26 Apr 2024

17-19 Jul 2024

9-11 Sep 2024

PMP, Project Management Professional (PMP), CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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