Spark is a fast and general cluster computing system for Big Data. It provides high-level APIs in Scala, Java, Python, and R, and an optimized engine that supports general computation graphs for data analysis. It also supports a rich set of higher-level tools including Spark SQL for SQL and DataFrames, Spark ML for machine learning, GraphX for graph data processing, and Spark Streaming for live data stream processing. With Spark running on Apache Hadoop YARN, developers can create applications to derive actionable insights within a single, shared dataset in Hadoop.
This training course will teach you how to solve Big Data problems using Apache Spark framework. The training will cover a wide range of Big Data use cases such as ETL, DWH, data virtualization, streaming, graph data structure, machine learning. It will also demonstrate how Spark integrates with other well established Hadoop ecosystem products. You will learn the course curriculum through theory lectures, live demonstrations and lab exercises. This course will be taught in Python programming language.
Audience Profile
Following are the pre-requisites for the course.
- Programming knowledge in Python is required
- Basic Knowledge of big data use-cases.
- Basic knowledge of databases, OLAP/OTLP use cases, SQL
- Knowledge of Java stack – JVM is helpful
At Course Completion
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
• Create real-world native apps using React
• Make truly reusable components that look great
• Understand the terminology and concepts of Redux
• Get up to speed with React design principles and methodologies
• Discover mobile design patterns used by experienced engineers
Course Outline
- What is Apache Spark- the story of the evolution from Hadoop
- Advantages of Spark over Hadoop Map Reduce
- Lambda architecture for enterprise data and analytics services
- Deployment modes – YARN, Standalone, Mesos
- Developing on Spark using REPL, Zeppelin, IDE
- Data sources for Spark application
Lab Exercise
- Install and get started with VM
- Launching spark REPL and Zeppelin
- RDD – operations – read from the file, transforming and saving persistent
- Leveraging in memory processing
- Pair RDD – operations
- Working with semi structured data formats using regex, json, xml libraries
Lab Exercise
- Explore data from data.sfgov.org using RDD
- Explore Apache Server logs using regex
- Join and aggregate data from grouplens.org
- Anatomy of Spark jobs on YARN, Standalone and Mesos
- RDD partitions
- Spark literature: Narrow, wide operations, shuffle, DAG, Shuffle, Stages, and Tasks
- Job metrics
- Fault Tolerance
- Factors that affect performance of spark application
- Configuring memory and CPU for Spark drivers and executors in standalone and YARN mode
- Controlling logging of Spark daemons and spark applications
- Capturing job metrics using Spark History Server
- Benefits of shared variables – accumulator, broadcast var
- Types of spark caching and their use cases
- Role of checking pointing of Spark RDD
Lab Exercises
- Examine spark metrics and logs
- Evaluate impact of different caching types on memory and processing time
- Use shared variables
- Set up Spark on YARN
- Set up Spark Standalone
- Building Spark application using Eclipse IDE
- Building Spark Application using SBT
- Building Spark application using Jupyter Notebook (Optional)
Lab Exercise
- Create a project using Eclipse and submit to cluster
- Create a project using EBT and submit to cluster
- Introduction to Dataframe
- Difference between RDD and Dataframe
- Dataframe internals that makes it fast – Catalyst Optimizer and Tungsten
- Loading and processing data into dataframe
- Saving dataframe to file systems
Lab Exercise
- Process data.sfgov.org data using dataframe
- Hive Context vs Spark SQL Context
- Working with Hive Tables
- Working with JDBC data source
- Data formats – text format such csv, json, xml, binary formats such as parquet, orc
- UDF in Spark Dataframe
- Spark SQL as JDBC service and its benefits and limitations
- Analytical queries in Spark – windows functions, pivot, rollup and cubes
- Working with Cassandra
- An introduction to Cassandra
- Working with HBase using Spark
Hands On
- Persist spark temporary tables using Hive
- Processing Mysql data using Dataframe
- Working with UDF
- Working with file formats ◦ Text formats – CSV, json, xml ◦ Binary formats – ORC, Parquet, Avro
- Integrating Spark with BI tools
- Architecture of streaming application
- Streaming Context – initialization, configuration, characteristics
- Dstream – operations
- Receiver characteristics
- Window operation – batch internal, window length, sliding interval
- Fault Tolerance using checkpointing and replication
- Partition behavior of Dstream
- Kafka Streaming
Lab Exercise
- Trending analysis on live twitter stream using Spark stream
- Saving live streams into HDFS and RDBMS
- Saving live streams into HBase using Spark SQL (optional)
- Overview Kafka Architecture
- Kafka terminologies – brokers, messages, consumer groups, consumer, producer
- Configure Kafka cluster using multi nodes
- Fault tolerance, consistency, schema validation
- Kafka connectors for JDBC, HDFS
Lab Exercise
- Setting up Kafka cluster – multi node brokers
- Introduction to KAFKA receiver for Spark
- Lambda architecture
Lab Exercise
- Create a spark streaming application using KAFKA
- Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
- Overview machine learning use cases
- Identify machine learning that fits your need
- Pipeline of machine learning operation
- Introduction to Spark ML, Spark MLlib
- Machine Learning Algorithms
- Introduction to Python SiKit Learn library
Lab Exercises
- Predict power demand using Spark ML
- Predict trend of stock price